Traffic Control Safety Meeting Kit
WHAT’S AT STAKE When road workers build, maintain, repair, or [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE When road workers build, maintain, repair, or [...]
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Cuando los trabajadores de la carretera [...]
Atropello y muerte de un trabajador de control de tráfico [...]
Traffic Control Worker Struck and Killed A traffic maintenance crew [...]
HECHOS Seguridad en el control del tráfico 1. Una evaluación [...]
FACTS Traffic Control Safety 1. A risk assessment estimates the [...]
Working roadside introduces a plethora of new hazards into a [...]
Course Description In this quick course, you will learn best [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE? Regulation establishes that traffic control arrangements for [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE? Each year, many construction workers are killed [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE? Asphalt is widely recognized as one of [...]
DID YOU KNOW? Road construction risks the lives of both [...]
Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) can help prevent work-related [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE? There are sobering statistics involving work zone [...]
DID YOU KNOW? Distracted driving deaths Roughly, nine people are [...]
DID YOU KNOW? When working outdoors in cold weather or [...]
Highway work zones continue to have far too many traffic fatalities. Hundreds of people are killed in work zones each year. The victims include both construction workers and occupants of the vehicles trying to rush past them.
In work areas where the exact location is unknown, work cannot begin until the power lines have been positively and unmistakably de-energized and grounded. In this case a worker lost his life when the jackhammer he was using hit an underground power line.
There are some obvious hazards in this picture, yet it’s still a good tool for training and learning. Share this image with your crew and see how many hazards they spot. Then discuss why they are hazardous, how these hazards can be corrected, and what they would do if they were asked to work in this excavation.
We all encounter building projects in our workplace, on the road and in our neighborhoods. You have to be aware of the hazards or risk serious injury.
Keep control of your emotions when you drive. Take a few deep breaths, check your speedometer and slow down mentally and physically if necessary. Allow enough time to get to your destination, taking into account