X-Ray Technician Safety Meeting Kit – Spanish
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Los radiólogos manejan máquinas de rayos [...]
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Los radiólogos manejan máquinas de rayos [...]
Patient dies after X-Ray blunder. ONE patient died and 13 [...]
HECHOS 1. Rayos X y exposición a la radiación Los [...]
FACTS 1. X-Ray and Radiation Exposure Radiologists are responsible for [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE X-Ray technicians operate medical x-ray machines in [...]
Source: https://www.nm.org
Fuente: https://es.scribd.com
Muere un paciente tras un error en una radiografía. Un [...]
Man with cancer dies before he could appeal DWP ruling [...]
Fuente: https://28april.org
Un hombre con cáncer muere antes de poder apelar la [...]
HECHOS El cáncer es la primera causa de muerte en [...]
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Charla de seguridad sobre el cáncer [...]
Source: https://mmfss.ca
FACTS Cancer is the leading cause of death in developed [...]
Occupational-related Cancer Safety Talk Cancer is one of the most [...]
Radiation hazards can range from minimal, to long term consequences, [...]
Course Description Radiation or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), is energy in [...]
Course Description Ionizing radiation is high frequency and high-energy and [...]
DID YOU KNOW? According to the World Health Organization, “Radiation [...]
Download this printable Infographic on Radiation
WHAT’S AT STAKE? Radiation or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), is energy [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE? Radiation or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), is energy [...]
INCIDENT The evidence from a study conducted from International Nuclear [...]
100mSv over 5 years or 50mSv annually 50mSv over 5 [...]