1. Unexpected emergencies occur every day in many facilities. It might be a fire, flood, earthquake, shooting, tornado, or hazardous chemical spill. If you don’t know what to do during an emergency the odds increase that you or others around you will be injured or killed.
2. Emergencies you may encounter include:
- Severe weather, such as heavy wind, flooding, tornados, or hurricanes
- Utility outages
- Fires
- Explosions
- Widespread infection
- Hazardous materials
- Earthquakes
- Workplace violence
- Terrorism
3. Any of these examples can injure or kill you, but if you know what to do in an emergency you increase your odds of making it through the situation safely.
- According to a recent report released by the CDC, nearly 1 in 5 Americans make a trip to the emergency room each year. Canadians are among the most frequent users of emergency departments in the world, with an average of 17 million visits a year.
- In 2017, 59,985 weather – related events resulted in 592 deaths and 4,270 injuries. Flash floods, tropical storms and heat waves resulted in the most deaths in 2017.
- Nearby 60% of American adults have not practiced what to do in a disaster by participating in a disaster drill or preparedness exercises at work, school, or home.
- Only 39% percent of respondents have developed an emergency plan and discussed it with their household despite the fact that 80% of people surveyed live in places that have been hit with weather related disaster.
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Vicky Pickford2024-07-08T21:49:16+00:00