Wood Dust Exposure Stats and Facts
FACTS Wood dust is the major wastes from timber and [...]
FACTS Wood dust is the major wastes from timber and [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE Combustible wood dust in the workplace presents [...]
HECHOS El polvo de madera es el principal residuo del [...]
Worker killed in wood-dust fire sparked by faulty fuse. [...]
Fuente: https://www.otp.es
Muere un trabajador en un incendio de polvo de madera [...]
Source: https://www.skcltd.com
WHAT’S AT STAKE Maritime PPE refers to Personal Protective Equipment [...]
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO Los EPP marítimos son equipos de [...]
FACTS Drowning: Failure to wear life jackets or personal flotation [...]
HECHOS Ahogamiento: La falta de uso de chalecos salvavidas o [...]
Royal Caribbean Crew Member Dies from Maritime Injury A 26-year-old [...]
Source: https://maritimafrica.com
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO El polvo de madera no es [...]
WHAT’S AT STAKE Wood dust is not just dust. It [...]
HECHOS Los empleados que trabajan con madera corren el riesgo [...]
FACTS Employees working with wood are at risk from breathing [...]
Worker killed in wood-dust fire sparked by faulty fuse. [...]
Muere un trabajador en un incendio de polvo de madera [...]
Source: https://ehsdailyadvisor.blr.com
Fuente: https://www.saludlaboralymedioambiente.ccooaragon.com
WHAT’S AT STAKE Welding is the most common method of [...]
QUÉ ESTÁ EN RIESGO La soldadura es el método más [...]
FACTS Inexperienced Welders. Welding is a hazardous manual task. Improper [...]
HECHOS Soldadores inexpertos. La soldadura es una tarea manual peligrosa. [...]