Exterior and Exits Safety Checklist

Exterior Surroundings, Parking Lots & Walkways

All means of egress from parking lots to thoroughfares have clear view in both directions. Are paths of travel to exterior ways of access unobstructed, free from carts, boxes, cans, & other debris which constitute a hazard?

Are means available for good lighting of walks/parking lots during night hours? Are hanging signs, awnings, , unit signs, and other accessories safely secured?

Are bottled gas cylinders or gas pipes and meters properly supported and guarded from physical damage?

Exterior Garbage, Trash Storage & Disposal Area

Is disposal area free from broken glass, metal cans, and food spillage? Is safe access to garbage and trash containers maintained?

Are fences, gates and pads, if present, well maintained around disposal areas? Are dumpster containers fitted with tight closing lids or doors?

Are drive surfaces around disposal areas free of trash and grease spillage? Is combustible trash stored away from the building?

If present, do employees operate compactors in a safe manner properly using guards/proper devices?


Are there sufficient exits to permit prompt escape in the case of a fire or other emergency? Is every exit in the building clearly marked with a standard sign and visible?

Are exit facilities clearly illuminated?

Are non-exit doorways, which could be mistaken for exits, marked to avoid confusion?

Are paths of travel to exits clearly evident and are they free of cartons, trash, equipment, & supplies?

Are all exit doors provided with approved emergency hardware? Do they work?

Can all exit doors be opened from the inside during occupied periods? Do they open toward the outside?

Do emergency lights work? Are they tested on a regular schedule?

Are exit door jams, threshold plates and doors themselves in good repair and operating condition?